You win some, you lose some. In amongst this weeks work was a job I quoted for, but didn't end up getting. I decided to go ahead and create some shots of the subject and see what spin I could put on them.
The subject happened to be green, hairy and not altogether attractive on the outside! No it wasn't the Incredible Hulk and I'm not being rude either. It's only when you slice them open, that the Kiwifruit reveals it's inner beauty! It was a bit of a struggle at the veggie shop to pick which fruit was going to be the most attractive on the inside. Then it popped into my head that maybe I could use both the ugly and the attractive sides and create a couple of different looks.
So my plan was hatched to create a Kiwi scene with err... kiwis! A gold Kiwifruit became my sun and some green kiwis cut at various sizes became my hills. I backlit them with a gridded strobe to get some nice edge lighting, with a large soft fill light to keep texture on the front. I really liked the contrast of the rough hairy exteriors with the stylish gold interior.
Version two had me slicing up all the kiwis and backlighting the segments. Once I put these together it gave a much more graphical and stylised image. Finally I couldn't resist adding in a cloud for a bit of fun to complete that iconic New Zealand feel.
In the end i'm not sure which version I like the most, I'm pleased with them both. Which one do you prefer?