Firstly a very happy 2012 to all! After much procrastination, my photography blog finally comes to life! At this time of year, in my beautiful part of the world, everything closes down for a month, while everyone takes their annual leave over the (usually) long hot summer. Its enough to make a self-employed photographer like me break into a cold sweat as all his clients drive off into the sunset with a cheery wave and everything goes eerily quiet.
However every cloud has a silver lining and mine comes in the form of finally getting the time to get this blog started and also building a new website that does something more than just show pretty pictures! The plan is to have the site going live next month and finally be able to offer a stock library. I can't tell you how long I have been wanting to get that going!
So I'll be posting images on a weekly basis with shots from various shoots, trips and adventures along the way, as well as sharing some of the photography news I have come across during that week. Hopefully there will be enough of interest to have you visit again and join in the discussions.
I thought I would start the year by showing you my favourite image I took last year. I have been really enjoying experimenting with long exposures and neutral density filters and this was one shot where everything came together perfectly at the beautiful Tawharanui Regional Park. Standing on the rocky headland I was able to get right along side the surfers as they picked up the waves and pan along with them. It created a whole lot of movement which I really liked and after a few attempts (er... quite a few actually) I nailed this shot. For me it's the fact that the water is so fluid, excuse the pun, rather than having the water frozen into a static object.
Thanks for dropping by, see you next time.
Definitely one of those shots where everything came together, Great shot M