Well as much as I was tempted to post loads of pictures of my lovely new little son Zachary, I thought I better keep it about work!
Here are some of the shots I took earlier in the year for Sony NZ's new audio products. Always great to see the finished work out there, especially when it is received so well.
Bearing in mind we shot these in some very cold and wet conditions, I am extremely pleased with the summer feel we managed to achieve.
When shooting images like these with a lot of sun flare involved, Prime lenses come into their own. This type of light does give a very distinct and inviting feel to them and is a style I really enjoy capturing. Sometimes we used strobes as fill light and other times we got the result we were after with just some reflectors. To be honest at times we had to make the call on how much gear we could get set up in-between showers, and in the time constraints we had. More than once we were sent running just as we had got everything in position.
There will be some more shoots coming up soon with a similar feel to them and with spring, well and truly er… springing, the weather might even help rather than hinder us!
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