Monday, 14 January 2013

Shingle bells

Happy New Year to all!

Holy moly those holidays went by fast! Had a great break with the family though and started the new year revved up and ready to get back to shooting. The cosmos however had other plans for me!

It all started with a bloodshot eye, not out of the ordinary since I injured my left eye earlier in the year. Next came the headaches and finally the left side of my head swelled up with strange lesions and I looked like I had gone ten rounds! After a couple of false leads my regular doc diagnosed me with shingles and 
due to the dangerous location made an urgent appointment at an eye hospital. After nine hours across two days waiting to see eye docs, I finally got told my eye was ok at that point, but needed monitoring in case the virus damaged my retina. Meantime my eye had swollen shut, I looked like a leper and due to the infection being nerve based, felt like someone was randomly stabbing me in the head with a fork ! Happy New Year! 

Thankfully as I write this the swelling has gone down a lot and my eye is more open. I am praying I have not passed it on to any of my family, especially my young son, it will be a couple of weeks before the all clear sounds. A scare like this really reminds you to be grateful everyday that you wake up healthy…and feel free to remind me of that when I start bitching about the small stuff!

I cannot wait to be fully fit again, I'm absolutely itching (no pun intended) to get behind a camera! This has to be the longest period I haven't been behind the lens since I don't know when. My goal this year is very, very simple… to create more images. That's it in a nutshell, more personal projects, more commercial work, more environmental portraiture, more of every facet of photography. I feel quite driven, it's amazing how being deprived of something, even for a relatively short period, fires you up!

The shots above were 
taken as bit of fun during some light tests I did at the end of last year and seemed very appropriate considering the state of me at the moment. Some would say I've never looked so good and I'm inclined to agree!

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