The first is from the harbour at Opua where you can take your car across to Russell on the ferry. I set myself up on the ramp where the ferry docks, the sun had not been up long and all was calm and quiet... and then I heard some diesel engines rumbling through the silence, the first ferry of the day was coming! To be honest I hadn't originally intended for the ferry to be in the shot but as it came into view it totally completed the scene, a lucky break indeed! The biggest problem I had was keeping my footing on the algae covered ramp, but I wanted to keep close to the water so I would have nothing but reflections in the lower half of the image.
The next image was taken in the Bay of Islands at the Waitangi treaty grounds inside the beautiful Maori meeting house, Te Whare Rūnanga. I've always marveled at how amazing and intricate the detail in these buildings is. Surprisingly enough I found I briefly had it to myself, but realised I had left my tripod back at the car! Doh! I had a quick scout around to see if I could sit my camera on anything for the long exposures I needed and luckily enough found a guitar case sitting behind a screen ready for a cultural show! So I rather precariously balanced my camera on top of it and used a cable release so as not to disturb it. It worked a treat even though it drew some strange looks from the next group of people who entered!
I'll process all the other images when I can in between assignments and post some more as I do. Now where can I go next please!
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