Sunday, 26 February 2012

New Glimpse Website

This week has been all about my website. I've had the same one kicking around for a couple of years and it was due for a bit of a revamp. In fact far more than that, it needed to be made into something functional rather than just pretty pictures. This was music to my wife's ears, as she is involved with the dark arts of SEO and has been telling me this for years! But when you are so focused on everyday work, it's hard to think about opening a new can of worms.

This week, said worms were released with vigour! I wanted way more control over this site, with the ability to update it and include a stock library. Lately I have had a lot of requests for stock images to be used on brochure covers, ads, posters etc. Happily I usually have something that fits the bill, particularly as I can't pass up a great landscape when I see one!

So after much planning, the first batch of content has gone live with more following hot on it's heels! The URL remains the same so come and have a look round.

I'm very excited that from here on in, It will be an ever growing, evolving entity that will show you something new every time you visit... no pressure!


  1. Great idea and shot for showing how light the new Vio is and that you have easy control at the end of your finger tip.

  2. Yeah Kudos must go to the art director for the idea, Dag Young, who is a very talented man on many levels, and a great person to work with. We have done quite a few shoots together and there is always a great melting pot of ideas that occur when we get together.


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