Sunday, 4 March 2012

Canon v Nikon latest and greatest?

This week I'm afraid I am going to be camera geek... I just can't help myself it goes with the territory!

Already this year we've seen the latest offerings from Nikon and Canon. The new Nikon D4 takes the flagship position for them, as does the Canon 1DX for Canon users, at a hefty cost I might add! But it is in the next level down that the real battle is on.

The Nikon D800 took everyone by surprise with an amazing 36 mp sensor! Unbelievably people instantly started moaning about it, what is it with people! Sure it's not going to suit everyone, but how amazing to be able to buy a 35mm camera that steps into the medium format realm, for a fraction of the price. And yes, I know it will never be true medium format quality, but I for one can't wait to see some landscape sample shots. Almost makes me wish I wasn't a Canon man...almost! 

So it was with great anticipation that I awaited the Canon 5d MkIII release, which was long overdue. Rumors galore of a 40+ megapixel monster which would have basically been 2 Canon 7D sensors combined to make up a full frame sensor, it all made sense. Sadly, like so many rumors, they were completely unfounded. Apparently there were 1 million posts online within an hour of the 5d MkIII launch, many expressing mixed feelings. Canon has addressed focus issues, expanded the ISO, increased the frame rate and gave us ONE WHOLE EXTRA MEGAPIXEL! The video guys get a whole load of new features to play with too. All quite nice, but just not enough to make me run screaming to the shops with wads of cash, well not yet anyway.

There are some features from the new Canon 1DX in the new 5d MkIII so that has to be good. Though of course that could end up undermining sales of the 1DX with its price tag. I guess the new 5d MkIII, is evolution rather than revolution and just hasn't dazzled us the way the 5d MkII did. And how I would have loved to see a 40 something megapixel version! Canon rumours had even suggested two new versions of the 5d Mk III, one a faster leaner machine for things like sports, wedding and event photography. The other with loadsa megapixels for landscapes, studio work and those scenarios. Again that made sense to me, but it looks like it's not to be.

I guess I will have to put up with the Nikon gang having bragging rights for a while. Mind you, even Nokia have put out a 41 megapixel camera in a phone! Come on Canon... pretty please... with bells on!

Love to hear your thoughts?

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